Thursday, June 30, 2005

First smiles

News flash--we have witnessed the first smiles!
Daniel has smiled at Judy early in the day Thursday, and late at night at Jake. We have yet to get photo documentation of this class of event, but we are working on it. In future posts, you the readers might get a glimpse of more facial expressions.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Emotional Development

A montage today.
Daniel's emotional development: a play in three acts.

Act one: Feeling content with clean diaper
Act two: confused and surprised at a change in the situation
Act three: Angry and upset with the end result--a dirty diaper.

p.s. this post was insprired by a friend who pointed out that the blog had dealt with Daniel's physical, spiritual and intellectual development, but not the emotional...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

8 pounds, 7.5 ounces now. This picture is from the checkup. All is well. He is now reading on an 8th grade level. Posted by Hello

Wow! He sure is growing! Two and-a-half weeks old now, and see how much he has grown!! He looks totally different. (Compare this one to the picture posted Sunday June 5, 2:14 pm) [Aren't parents crazy?] Posted by Hello

Friday, June 17, 2005

Daniel, just relaxin' and hangin' out. Showing off his arm-wrestling muscles... Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

editorial note

Looking over the posts, I realize that we need to get more photography done... He is even cuter in person than the current set of pictures shows. In the next few days we are going to stop doing trivial things like eating and sleeping, and move on to more important things like getting better pictures and posting them on the internet.

Also, a note about blogs: Remember that you read them from bottom to top (top posts are newest...)

A hungry daniel contemplating food... Posted by Hello

Daniel, just hangin', after the ceremony. Posted by Hello

Proud dad with the number-one son Posted by Hello

The naming ceremony, before the bagels and lox.  Posted by Hello

Daniel -- home at last, the first week Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I think she likes him! Judy with Daniel. A beautiful mom with a beautiful baby. Posted by Hello

The most amazing kid ever (Jake's humble opinion). This picture shows one of about 4 things Daniel does right now. Others are cry, poop, nurse and arm-wrestle. Posted by Hello

Jake's hand and Daniel's. Are they arm-wrestling? Daniel seems to be winning. Look at his look of determination! Posted by Hello

Here he is--fresh from the mom. See the scale reading 8 pounds 5.2 oz (they put ointment in his eyes) Posted by Hello

Before... before going into the OR for the C-section--2 and a half of us... Posted by Hello

After... the three of us!! This is the recovery room, minutes after the c-section. Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005


Daniel Smith Seagull
Born June 3, 4:17 PM
Weight: 8 pounds, 5.2 oz.
Lenght: 21 inches

After 20 hours of labor, 2.5 hours of pushing, we had a C-section.
Most importantly, mother and baby are both healthy and doing fine.
Here are a few pictures to get things started.